Sunday, November 16, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Man, I can't believe that another week's gone by. . .and I only blogged once. (I am totally embarassed about that, too - trust me, I am!) I have been so incredibly busy this week. I worked Monday, Thursday, and Friday, and we were incredibly busy ~ people seem to get sick when the weather turns cold! I did have the chance to become close with 2 patients and their families this week, which is always nice. . .usually, when we're this busy, there isn't time to visit and spend quality TLC time with patients. Anyway, One more week until we leave town for the Thanksgiving holiday.
I have to confess something, and if you have any advice for me, PLEASE leave a comment! Stonewall is a PICKY EATER. and I mean PICKY! As in, he ONLY likes hotdogs, cheese pizza, PB&Js, fish sticks, McDonalds's chicken nuggets, cheese, and most fruit. We offer all types of food, and we can't get him to willingly try anything. It usually turns into a battle of wills. . .he usually wins. Rev. has decided that now is the time, and he has even threatened to throw away all the hotdogs. I just don't want our mealtimes to be yelling and crying matches. . .but, I hate feeling like a short-order cook. I want to sit down for a family meal where we all eat the same meal. . . but I HATE forcing Stonewall to eat stuff. . .I think it only makes him want to eat it less. Anyway, now that I have that off my chest, on to our week's menu.

Monday ~ Crockpot Chicken Soft Tacos (I use whole wheat tortillas, this meat, lettuce, tomato, sour cream, shredded cheese), Mexican Rice (brown rice with salsa and black beans mixed in)

Tuesday ~ Black Bean Soup (I've decided to make it in the crockpot this time, as suggested by one of my wonderful commenters)

Wednesday ~ Lentil Haystacks (We missed them last week)

Thursday ~ Beef Stew, Corn Casserole, green salad

Friday ~ Leftovers

Saturday ~ Stuffed low carb burgers, sweet potato fries

Sunday ~ Out to eat after church, we're leaving home tomorrow, and I don't want to have any leftovers.


SavvySuzie said...

Great menu!
As far as the picky eaters go...I had to take a hard line with my little guy. The truth is, if they're hungry enough, they WILL eat. It's just a matter of who ends up having better patience, you (getting him to finally eat what you cooked) or him (getting what he wants in the end). Yeah, there were crying fits, and it was really hard. But now he eats EVERYTHING!

Beverly said...

Uhm, if you find a magic solution to the picky eater syndrome, by all means share it. Lately, I am the one who gives in. Hey, peanut butter, cheese sticks, and grapes are all good for you, right?



Beverly said...

I was just thinking of you. I hope all is well. I know you were planning to travel for the holidays. I look forward to hearing how the trip went.
