Sunday, December 28, 2008


Well, I needed a trim, badly. The problem, of course, was that my usual guy, Jay, was off Friday, and Friday was the ONLY day I had for like the next 3 weeks, that I didn't have to work, and wouldn't have my kids with me, so I went for it, and used someone new. I just wanted a trim, really, nothing drastic. Last June, I cut bangs. I had had long straight hair, all the same length, for practically 10 years, and I wanted a change, so I had Jay cut some long layers, and longish, side-swept bangs. I really liked it. The only real problem, though, was that I wore it in a ponytail almost everyday.
Then, In August, I decided to cut off some length. I got it cut just above my shoulders, and kept my bangs, because I liked them. (basically, the layers were just cut out, and now I had shorter, shoulder length, straight hair). I liked this pretty well, and had really decided to keep it this way. I had had it trimmed since, with the same results. Since my last trim, though, my bangs have gotten pretty long, and theI decided this time, to leave them longer. I told the new girl, I wanted a trim and shape up. I told her I wanted to pull the length up just above my shoulders, and a very slight angle toward the front, with the back slightly shorter.

What I got? A Chin length bob, longer in the front, and stacked in the back. I have to say, that the look is growing on me, but I'm still not sure about it. . .it is REALLY short! When I picked up the boys from school that day, Skywalker noticed first, then Stonewall. Skywalker said I looked pretty, but when I asked Stonewall if he liked it, he said "well, kind of I don't" and then asked if I could make it longer again. Then, when Rev saw it, all he could say at first was, "it really short, isn't it?" I don't blame him, I was pretty shocked, too. I will say, though, that it is growing on me. . .I am beginning to like it, at least the front part that I can see. . .I think the length is good now. . .(still not too sure about the back, though) maybe this new girl really did know what she was doing? (And yes, I had to take the pics myself!)


Anonymous said...

i think it looks good!

Heather Benza said...

based on your previous pics this is obviously a big departure for you (i've had the same hair for a hundred years with very few moderations, so I understand the distress at SHORTNESS) I really think it looks super cute though! It looks way more adult (not old) like a woman with style and attitude in charge of her life.

Beverly said...

You look fabulous! The great thing about hair is that it keeps growing, so we can play and experiment.

Have a wonderful day!


Mom to Five said...

Your new hair style is beautiful!! It suits your face and looks so updated!! I love it!!!

Shan said...

I like all of your hairstyles, but the new one looks great!

Luanne said...

Trust me--the back is awesome, too!

Unknown said...

I like your new look. And kudos to the hairstylist.