Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Preachers Wife

Well, here I am. This is my first attempt at blogging, so we'll see how it goes. I plan to blog about my life, my family, my prayer life, my daily bible study, even my hobbies, so hopefully it won't be too boring. A little about myself, I work full-time outside of the home, I'm an RN in cardiology. I love my job most of the time. I have also worked in the past in a Neonatal ICU, which I adored. I needed a change, though, as it's an emotional area, so when we moved a year ago, I had a great oppertunity open up.
My wonderful husband "Rev" is a Baptist Pastor. He is handsome, funny, and a great daddy. He loves the Lord first, our family next, and video games third. We've been married for almost 8 years, and it's been an exciting journey. Our first blessing is "Stonewall", he is 4 1/2 going on 16. He is going to play city league soccer this fall, and is extremely excited. He's full of energy, and very outgoing. He's never met a stranger. Our second blessing is "Skywalker", he is 2 1/2, but don't try to tell him he's not big enough for something. He is a little shy, and will follow big brother anywhere, and do anything big brother tells him to do, which gets him into alot of trouble. Skywalker is also my climber, there is no shelf too high for him!
Skywalker was sick last night, so I stayed home from work. Rev had VBS promotions and decorating to do up at the church. Skywalker was feeling better, so the boys and I went to Walmart, their FAVORITE place. Stonewall needed a haircut, and we ended up giving him a buzz. It's a pretty shocking change, and it makes him look so grown up.

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