Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Beach Bums

I went to take Stonewall and Skywalker to the beach park today. There is a really nice park with playground and water pad right on the gulf. It's a little cooler to go there than play at home since there's a nice gulf breeze. Well, when we got there, Stonewall somehow convinced me they needed to get into the "salt water" (ie. the gulf) instead of playing on the water pad at the park. I, of course, did not wear my swim suit since we were just going to the park, so I rolled up my shorts and we went. They had a great time playing in the tide and trying to build a sandcastle. Then, a couple of other little boys came out to play with their grandpa. The four boys played together for a while, then went off to hunt for hermit crabs. They found 4 and set them on the ledge, then watched and waited for them to escape back into the ocean. FUN! We also saw a jellyfish (which we stayed away from!) and pulled up a crab pot to look with 12 blue crabs in it, it was so cool. The boys had a great time, and were so tired when we left. Unfortunately, no pictures today, I forgot my camera.
Being at the beach reminded Stonewall of his favorite joke. Why do sharks only swim in salt water?

I stumped you, didn't I?

It's because Pepper water makes them sneeze! Oh, the humor of a 4 year old!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

If you love me. . .

A month or so ago, on a Sunday afternoon, my two boys were playing surprisingly well together in one of their rooms. That morning in Sunday School, their memory verse was, "if you love me, you will keep my commandments." John 14:15. Stonewall practiced it in SS, then recited for me after church with his teachers prompting. Anyway, that afternoon they were playing well, until Skywalker decided that he wanted to do something else, and was no longer playing as Stonewall was leading. I could hear them both getting frustrated, Stonewall because Skywalker wasn't doing just what he wanted him to do, and Skywalker because Stonewall kept telling him what to do. As I was trying to let them work it out, I hear Stonewall say, "Skywalker, If you love me, you will keep my commandments!" I started laughing, and then had to go break up the impending fight. Then I had to explain to Stonewall what that verse actually meant, that it was about God, not us.
I was thinking about that afternoon today, as the boys were playing. It's a funny antecdote when a 4 year old misinterprets scripture, but it's just plain sad when we adults do. I think that Stonewall was showing off his "human nature" so to say. He, as most of us, make the mistake to think that it's about us, but it is not! It's about God! In so many situations, this is the real truth. If we would sit back and examine the situation, we would realize. It is not about US! It kinda changes your perspective when you think about it that way, doesn't it? We might be at church get offended because someone doesn't greet us, even though we haven't been in a couple of weeks. We might be offended that a visitor came to church dressed in jeans instead of a suit and tie. But the truth is, that visitor can worship God in jeans just as well as he could in a suit. that person who didn't greet us may have some really tragic situation in their own lives and just need someone to ask THEM how they're doing. My point is, it's not about US, it's about GOD, and how we can Worship Him and Minister to His People, right? So, then next time you're in a church business meeting and the vote doesn't go your way, don't get offended, it's not about YOU. It's about GOD!

My Cakes

I love baking and decorating cakes. I started right before Stonewall's first birthday. I decided that I needed to make his cake, since my mother had made all of mine growing up. For that first cake, I used a mix, but decorated it myself with store-bought icing.

Stonewall's second birthday cake was OK, It was a train party, and the cake looked like a train with an engine and 3 cars. Not showing a picture, though, because it wasn't too cute. For His third birthday, and skywalker's 1st, I still used a mix for the cake, but made my own icing (yummo!). It was a cowboy theme party, so Stonewall had a horse cake, and Skywalker had a cowboy cake. They were pretty cute.

After this birthday was over, I decided to learn how to bake from scratch, and I sampled several recipes until I found 2 excellent recipes, a white cake and a chocolate cake. They are moist, flavorful, and firm enough to hold heavier fondant icing. I also started experimenting with fondant. I loved the way it looked, but hated the taste. I tried kneading in flavoring, but it wasn't enough. Finally, I found a recipe for Marshmallow fondant. It is perfect! Tastes just like a super-sweet marshmallow, but is the texture of regular fondant. Since then, it's what I use exclusively. Last year's birthday party was 'outerspace', so they had Rocket Cakes. Here they are side by side.

Last February, we had a wild game dinner at church. The men did the cooking, so the ladies brought desserts. I decided to stick with the theme of Wild Game, and made an Armadillo cake (kind of a throwback to Steel Magnolias) Anyway, it was chocolate cake with raspberry filling, and chocolate marshmallow fondant. Personally, I'm really proud of it. Rev wanted to help, and since he's an artist, he molded the face for me, and even helped place some of the scaley things.

My most recent cake was for a friend's daughter's 1st birthday party, and I actually got paid to make it! I would love to do more of this. It's great to do something I love, that is so much fun, and actually make some money doing it. Anyway, it was a Minnie birthday party. It is chocolate cake with (once again) raspberry buttercream filling, and marshmallow fondant for the icing. Hope you've liked my cakes. I'll post more as I make them, and If you live near me, I'd love to make you a cake!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Preachers Wife

Well, here I am. This is my first attempt at blogging, so we'll see how it goes. I plan to blog about my life, my family, my prayer life, my daily bible study, even my hobbies, so hopefully it won't be too boring. A little about myself, I work full-time outside of the home, I'm an RN in cardiology. I love my job most of the time. I have also worked in the past in a Neonatal ICU, which I adored. I needed a change, though, as it's an emotional area, so when we moved a year ago, I had a great oppertunity open up.
My wonderful husband "Rev" is a Baptist Pastor. He is handsome, funny, and a great daddy. He loves the Lord first, our family next, and video games third. We've been married for almost 8 years, and it's been an exciting journey. Our first blessing is "Stonewall", he is 4 1/2 going on 16. He is going to play city league soccer this fall, and is extremely excited. He's full of energy, and very outgoing. He's never met a stranger. Our second blessing is "Skywalker", he is 2 1/2, but don't try to tell him he's not big enough for something. He is a little shy, and will follow big brother anywhere, and do anything big brother tells him to do, which gets him into alot of trouble. Skywalker is also my climber, there is no shelf too high for him!
Skywalker was sick last night, so I stayed home from work. Rev had VBS promotions and decorating to do up at the church. Skywalker was feeling better, so the boys and I went to Walmart, their FAVORITE place. Stonewall needed a haircut, and we ended up giving him a buzz. It's a pretty shocking change, and it makes him look so grown up.