Sunday, January 11, 2009


I am so excited, I can hardly contain myself! 24 is finally coming back on! I absolutely LOVE this show. I have to confess, though. This show did not interest me from the beginning. I think the show was in the middle of season 3 when Rev rented the Season 1 DVD set and we began watching. This was actually a great way to start, though, since I didn't have to wait an entire week to view the next hour. Of course, I was hooked instantly. . .You can just imagine how upset I was last year when the writers strike caused this show to be delayed an entire YEAR. And now, the long anticipated season is upon us. If you are NOT yet a Jack Bauer fan (though I can't even begin to imagine how that can be) you MUST tivo this show. . .but do NOT watch. Join Netflix, and rent all the previous season's DVD sets, and watch them first, then catch up with this season. Just keep in mind, you won't be able to just watch one episode. . .you will get addicted! Anyway, I just had to share my excitement alittle bit!

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