Sunday, January 11, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

This MPM may look familiar. . .because it is almost exactly the same menu from last week. You see, Skywalker got a stomach virus, and then passed it on to Rev. Rev was sick for 4 days. . .and didn't feel like eating ANYTHING! So, I didn't cook. Then, I got busy with work. . .and my menu plan just fell by the wayside. . .so, we'll try it again this week. The good news, though, is that our grocery bill should be very small this week!

Also, I have a NEW obsession. . .stay tuned for more information. . .you won't want to miss this one!

Monday ~ Crockpot Stuffed Bell Peppers, green salad

Tuesday ~ Crockpot Spicy Black Beans, Smoked Turkey Sausage, Brown rice, green salad

Wednesday ~ Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Meatballs, green salad, steamed green beans

Thursday ~ Crockpot Peppersteak, brown rice, steamed snow peas

Friday ~ Rev and I are going on a DATE!!!! An awesome family from our church gifted us with an Olive Garden giftcard and a night of free babysitting for Christmas, and we are taking advantage of their gracious gift!

Saturday ~ Grilled Balsalmic Bruschetta Chicken, Whole Wheat Cous Cous, steamed snow peas

Sunday ~ Lentil Haystacks


I am so excited, I can hardly contain myself! 24 is finally coming back on! I absolutely LOVE this show. I have to confess, though. This show did not interest me from the beginning. I think the show was in the middle of season 3 when Rev rented the Season 1 DVD set and we began watching. This was actually a great way to start, though, since I didn't have to wait an entire week to view the next hour. Of course, I was hooked instantly. . .You can just imagine how upset I was last year when the writers strike caused this show to be delayed an entire YEAR. And now, the long anticipated season is upon us. If you are NOT yet a Jack Bauer fan (though I can't even begin to imagine how that can be) you MUST tivo this show. . .but do NOT watch. Join Netflix, and rent all the previous season's DVD sets, and watch them first, then catch up with this season. Just keep in mind, you won't be able to just watch one episode. . .you will get addicted! Anyway, I just had to share my excitement alittle bit!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Another week gone, and here we are, nearly a week into the New Year. Today, I am starting my "healthy eating" plan. . .I am trying hard NOT to call it a "DIET" since we all know what the first 3 letters of that word spell! (If you are interested on where I came up with out "healthy eating plan", mostly it came from "Living the GI Diet" by Rick Gallop.)

So, I informed Rev that he and I would be going back on out healthy eating plan. The problem with this, really, is that I have more will power than he does when it comes to food. No matter what I cook for him at supper, or leave for his lunches, 9 times out of 10, he's getting fast food for lunch. I have accepted this about him, so I will strive even harded to make at least one of his daily meals healthy. I mean, lets face it, we aren't getting any younger, and our waist lines won't get any smaller without serious help. The good news for him, though, is that he's a runner. So, he can still get away with a cheeseburger now and then. . .he just goes running to burn off those extra calories.

I, on the other hand, am trying to get back into a routine of using my treadmill. My plan is to use it at night, after the kids are in bed, while I watch a show. . .we'll see how this works. The problem is, I am sooooooooo tired at night, I can barely function.

On to our meal plan for this week. I have planned crockpot meals or leftovers for my work days, since I get home so late.

Monday ~ Crockpot Black Bean Soup, green salad

Tuesday ~ Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Meatballs, green salad, steamed green beans

Wednesday ~ Walnut Crusted Tilapia, Steamed green beans, brown rice

Thursday ~ Crockpot Stuffed Bell Peppers, green salad

Friday ~ Leftovers

Saturday ~ Grilled Balsalmic Bruschetta Chicken, Whole Wheat Cous Cous, steamed snow peas

Sunday ~ Taco Bowls

Happy Eating!

My reading list. . .

I love reading. The problem, of course, is that I have absolutely NO time to sit down and read anymore. What, with 2 preschoolers to run around after, a full-time job as an RN, a husband to support, a Church family to serve, and house to clean, meals to cook. . .I could go on, but you get the picture. Anyway, I've decided to list out the books "on my list" to read. . .hopefully I'll be able to get to them over the next year.

1.) Heaven, by Randy Alcorn ~ this one was a gift from my dad, and it sounds intriguing, so I'll start here.

2.) Have a new kid by Friday, by Dr. Kevin Leman

3.)The House That Cleans Itself: Creative Solutions for a Clean and Orderly House in Less Time Than You Can Imagine by Mindy Starns Clark

4.) The Lucky One, by Nicholas Sparks

5.) Kiss, by Ted Dekker and Erin Healy

Well, I'll start here. If I can find time for these, I'll add more.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all. I've decided to write out my New Year Resolutions this year, so that all of you can help to keep me accountable. I rarely make resolutions, I've always just seen it as one more thing to worry over not completing through the year. . .but, now that I am 30. . .older and wiser than I used to be, I have discovered that a little accountablility really helps me, so I am turning to you. Here they are, in no particular order: (and yes, I realize that they are NOT really original)

1.)Exercise : I'm not sure how many of you noticed the treadmill in the background of our Christmas pictures, but it's been sitting back there, virtually untouched, for nearly a year. I can actually cound on both hands the number of times I've used it. My goal is to use it 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time.

2) Lose Weight : When I started the low GI diet last July, I had a goal to lose 17 pounds, and I stopped at 12. . .of which I have regained at least 3 or 4 pounds. Anyway, I am restarting the diet Monday (It's just easier to start on a Monday for me. . .). This means, of course, that I have to give up drinking my favorite beverage ever made (Coca-Cola Classic), and my second favorite (Dr. Pepper). Anyway, the low GI diet really works for me. . .the first week was hard, but then, I enjoyed the food, and didn't really miss all the sugar and junk.

3) Stop yelling at my children : No, I don't yell ALL the time, but I really don't want to yell at all. I need to find ways to make them listen without yelling. . .

4) Be dilligent in my daily Bible Study : I have always gone through spurts of being very dedicated in a daily quiet time and Bible study, and slacking off. For the past month or so, I have definately been slacking. . .and I can totally tell. I have less joy and less patience. I am choosing a book per month (or 2) to study, deeply.

5) Keep my house clean : This one I can NOT do on my own. I need Rev, Stonewall, and Skywalkers help. I want to be able to receive guests at any time, without worrying about toys scattered all over the floor, or dishes left out.

Well, there they are. . .